Prof As-Behavior of Ani

Blog about unusual animals and plants

Balbuena Gina

Imperial tamarin

The emperor tamarin is a dwarf primate species, with a body length of only 25 centimeters. The weight of an adult tamarin is about 300 grams.

The mysterious saola

The Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) is a rare, parthuman animal that has been nicknamed the “Asian unicorn” because of its stealth.

Blue-footed booby

Nature, like nothing else, is capable of striking the imagination with its creations. Amazing landscapes, fantastic plants and unusual animals are always able to

Black rhinopithecines – primates with human lips

The black rhinopithecus (Rhinopithecus bieti) is an exotic animal of mainland China. The species is considered endangered due to habitat destruction and is one of the least studied primate species.

The pale saki is a South American monkey

Poor Saki’s unusual appearance makes him unlike anyone else in the animal world. Take a look at this monkey – how amazing he is!

Nosecone Monkey

The rhinoceros is a very rare and very unusual species of monkey. The rhinoceros belongs to the monkey family of the Primates

Rafflesia Arnoldi – the largest flower in the world

It is not easy to find plants in the jungle with the largest flower in the world: they grow singly, bloom at different times of the year and bloom for no more than four days.

The crocodile fish: friend or foe?

Flatheaded fish have a broad, flattened head and an elongated, thinning cylindrical body toward the tail. The head is equipped with bony ridges, teeth, and spines.

Axe Bird

The hatchery bird is a bird that resembles a close relative of penguins, although they are not genetically related.