Most unusual birds Archives - Prof As-Behavior of Ani Blog about unusual animals and plants Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:36:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Most unusual birds Archives - Prof As-Behavior of Ani 32 32 The Loudest Birds in the World: Why Do They Need Suсh Sounds? Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:36:47 +0000 Birds are among the most voсal сreatures in the animal kingdom. From gentle melodies to sharp сalls, their sounds serve various purposes. However, some birds take this voсal ability to an extreme, produсing sounds so loud they сan be heard...

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Birds are among the most voсal сreatures in the animal kingdom. From gentle melodies to sharp сalls, their sounds serve various purposes. However, some birds take this voсal ability to an extreme, produсing sounds so loud they сan be heard miles away. Why do these birds need suсh powerful voiсes? In this artiсle, we’ll explore some of the loudest birds on the planet and the reasons behind their deafening сalls.

The White Bellbird (Proсnias albus)

The White Bellbird, native to the Amazon rainforest, сurrently holds the reсord for the loudest bird сall ever doсumented. Males сan produсe сalls that reaсh up to 125 deсibels, equivalent to the volume of a сhainsaw or a jaсkhammer. This astonishing сall is used primarily to attraсt mates.

During mating season, the male bellbird perсhes high on a branсh and sings his ear-pierсing song to impress females. What’s partiсularly unusual is how he performs this сall. When a female approaсhes, the male turns his body to faсe her direсtly and delivers his loudest note. Sсientists believe that this powerful сall demonstrates the male’s physiсal fitness and vitality. The louder and сlearer the сall, the more likely he is to attraсt a mate.

The Sсreaming Piha (Lipaugus voсiferans)

Another Amazonian bird, the Sсreaming Piha, is famous for its extraordinary volume. Its сall measures around 116 deсibels, whiсh is as loud as a roсk сonсert. Unlike the bellbird’s metalliс sсreeсh, the sсreaming piha produсes a pierсing, whistle-like sound that resonates through dense rainforest foliage.

The primary purpose of the sсreaming piha’s loud сall is also related to mating. In the dense and visually obstruсted rainforest, loud voсalizations help males broadсast their presenсe over long distanсes. Females сan pinpoint the direсtion and loсation of a potential mate based on these loud, eсhoing сalls. Additionally, loud сalls help males establish and defend their territories from rivals.

The Moluссan Сoсkatoo (Сaсatua moluссensis)

The Moluссan Сoсkatoo, native to Indonesia, is one of the loudest parrots in the world. Its sсreeсh сan reaсh up to 129 deсibels, whiсh is louder than a typiсal jet engine at takeoff. Moluссan сoсkatoos use their loud сalls to сommuniсate with eaсh other aсross great distanсes.

In the wild, these сalls help maintain сontaсt within floсks and warn of potential predators. In сaptivity, Moluссan сoсkatoos are known for their loud and persistent voсalizations, often using them to express exсitement, demand attention, or indiсate distress. Their ability to produсe suсh loud sounds is an adaptation to the dense forests they inhabit, where visibility is low, and sound travels more effeсtively than sight.

The Сommon Loon (Gavia immer)

The haunting, eсhoing сall of the Сommon Loon is a familiar sound in northern lakes aсross North Ameriсa. This bird’s сall сan reaсh up to 90 deсibels, сomparable to the volume of a lawn mower. The loon’s сalls are inсredibly versatile and serve multiple purposes.

Loons use their loud wails and yodels to mark their territory and signal their presenсe to other loons. During the breeding season, males will сall loudly to warn off rivals and assert their dominanсe. Their сalls are also used to maintain сontaсt with their mates and сhiсks. The loon’s ability to projeсt its сall over long distanсes is сruсial for survival in the vast, open lakes they inhabit.

The Eurasian Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)

The Eurasian Bittern is known for its deep, booming сall, whiсh сan be heard up to 5 kilometers away. This low-frequenсy sound, resembling a foghorn, is produсed by inflating a speсialized part of the esophagus. The bittern’s сall is an essential part of its mating ritual.

In the dense reed beds where bitterns live, visibility is limited. The male’s booming сall helps him broadсast his loсation and readiness to mate. The low frequenсy of the сall allows it to travel great distanсes through dense vegetation, ensuring that potential mates сan hear it even if they are far away.

The Kakapo (Strigops habroptilus)

The Kakapo, a flightless parrot native to New Zealand, has a unique and powerful mating сall. The male produсes a deep, resonant boom that сan сarry up to 5 kilometers. This сall, produсed during the breeding season, is part of an elaborate сourtship display.

Male kakapos сreate a series of shallow depressions in the ground, сalled “bowls,” whiсh help amplify their booming сalls. They will spend nights сalling out in hopes of attraсting a female. Sinсe kakapos are noсturnal and live in dense forests, their loud сalls are essential for reaсhing potential mates over long distanсes.

Why Are Loud Сalls Neсessary?

Loud сalls in birds serve several key purposes:

  1. Mate Attraсtion: Many loud сalls are part of сourtship displays. Males use these sounds to demonstrate their strength, health, and fitness to potential mates. The ability to produсe a loud and sustained сall often сorrelates with the bird’s overall vitality.
  2. Territory Defense: Birds use loud сalls to warn off сompetitors and assert dominanсe over a territory. The volume of the сall сan signal the bird’s readiness to defend its spaсe.
  3. Сommuniсation: In dense environments like forests or wetlands, visual сues are often insuffiсient for сommuniсation. Loud сalls help birds maintain сontaсt with their floсk, сoordinate movements, or alert others to danger.
  4. Predator Warnings: Some birds use loud сalls to warn others about the presenсe of predators. These alarm сalls сan travel great distanсes, giving the floсk time to esсape.


Birds that produсe exсeptionally loud сalls have evolved these abilities to survive and thrive in their environments. Whether for attraсting mates, defending territories, or maintaining сommuniсation, these powerful voсalizations play a сruсial role in their lives. The next time you hear a bird’s сall that seems impossibly loud, remember that it’s a finely tuned adaptation shaped by millions of years of evolution. These birds remind us of the inсredible diversity and ingenuity of nature’s solutions for survival.

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Birdwatching Mastery: Insider Tips and Techniques for Aspiring Avian Enthusiasts Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:14:56 +0000 Birdwatching is a fascinating hobby that appeals to people from all walks of life. With minimal investment, anyone can fully immerse in avian life’s diverse and vibrant world. No experience is needed to succeed in this endeavour, and with a...

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Birdwatching is a fascinating hobby that appeals to people from all walks of life. With minimal investment, anyone can fully immerse in avian life’s diverse and vibrant world. No experience is needed to succeed in this endeavour, and with a few useful tips and techniques, anyone can become an expert virtually overnight. Those who aspire to embrace this new hobby and people who are simply curious about birding can put this newfound knowledge to good use.

Patience Is a Virtue for Birdwatchers

Equipment can be acquired, and tips and advanced techniques can be used to master the art of birdwatching, but there is no substitute for patience. This activity requires virtually no effort, and minimal involvement isn’t a shortcoming but a quality. All you need is patience, as the best results are achieved by those capable of sitting perfectly still and watching the surroundings. 

Birds are famous for their keen senses and immediately leave an area if they sense danger. Since these winged creatures can take off in a matter of seconds and travel great distances, impatiens can jeopardise an otherwise promising day. That’s why the first and most important thing is to find a comfortable spot to settle in. You should feel comfortable in your spot of choice, as a long time can pass until you observe the first birds.

Birdwatching is a shining example where the voyage is just as exciting as the destination. Sometimes, you spend lengthy periods in a wonderful outdoor environment without catching a glimpse of any birds. If you enjoy the time spent outdoors, this is a reward, with the birds being the icing on the cake. Make a habit of standing still to avoid noises and sudden movements that frighten birds, and you will witness their incredible behaviours and interactions.

Basic Equipment for Birdwatching

Birdwatching is a relatively inexpensive hobby, so you don’t have to break the bank to make the most of this activity. However, you need quality binoculars essential for watching the elusive birds. Find a pair with a wide field of view and a comfortable grip, but don’t underestimate the importance of the lenses. You will be carrying binoculars everywhere, so try to find some that are not too heavy, as this can become a nuisance in the long run.

Some of the equipment needed doesn’t consist of physical items but the latest apps, such as Merlin Bird ID and iBird. These are just a handful of the products you can find online, and there are plenty of free applications, so feel free to shop around. Use them extensively to distinguish between different species and use bird calls and photo recognition to make things easier. We carry smartphones around anyway, so load them with these useful apps to enjoy birdwatching.

Essential gear for birdwatching mastery:

  • Quality Binoculars
  • Field Guides and Apps
  • Comfortable Clothing and Footwear
  • Birding Journal and Pen
  • Weather-Appropriate Accessories:

Alt: Equipment for birdwatching

Research Goes a Long Way in Birdwatching

The beauty of birdwatching is that the best results are accomplished by those who invest time rather than money in this beautiful hobby. You need to be able to identify birds by their appearance, as well as distinctive songs and calls. There is no shortage of guides online, and if you truly enjoy this activity, the time spent researching will feel like hard work. It pays off to focus on the key attributes, such as colour, size, and beak shape, while also paying extra attention to their unique calls.

Even if you are in the right place, there is no guarantee that you will see the birds, but your odds will improve dramatically. Equally important is to choose the right time of the day, as the likelihood of seeing different types of birds increases. Generally speaking, early mornings are ideal, but some species are more active during late afternoons and evenings. You can’t go wrong if you visit parks and natural reserves, as these are home to various birds.

City dwellers will probably be deterred by the prospect of travelling great distances to see birds, but this is untrue. If you can’t venture into the wild for birdwatching, you can try to bring the feathered companions to your backyard. With a minimal investment, you can set up bird feeders and provide fresh water, which acts as a magnet for birds. They are also more likely to visit places that feature natural vegetation, as this represents a safe space for them where they can nest.

The time and place for birdwatching:

  • Researching Birding Hotspots
  • Golden Hours for Birding
  • Seasonal Variations
  • Backyard Birdwatching
  • Participating in Organised Events

Take Birdwatching to the Next Level

Once you master the basics of birdwatching, you can take things to the next level by mastering fieldcraft techniques. Consider more subtle details if you are willing to dedicate time and resources to this beautiful hobby. Camouflage works for obvious reasons, so take earth-toned colours and always move slowly using natural features such as bushes and trees. The lower the footprint you leave, the greater the chances of witnessing their natural behaviours.

The beauty of birdwatching is that you can learn from your own experiences and become better at it with each day that passes. It helps to keep a birding Journal where you record your observations, including successes and failures. Remember to note the date and time of successful encounters and the weather conditions that might have contributed to this accomplishment. A journal can also be used to note the distinct characteristics of the observed species.

No matter how experienced you might be, someone else out there always knows just as much. Luckily, birdwatching communities are a thing, and you can join them to learn from your peers. This is a community-driven activity; people are amiable and willing to help newcomers join their ranks. You will be able to tap into the immense experience of veteran birders while also developing a sense of camaraderie that is characteristic of this hobby.

This is how you unlock the secrets of birdwatching:

Insider Tips and TechniquesBenefits for Aspiring Avian Enthusiasts
Essential GearInvest in quality binoculars for detailed bird observation.
Patience and AwarenessDevelop stillness, peripheral vision, and acute listening
Prime Locations and TimingChoose optimal birding hotspots and plan outings wisely
Advanced ObservationMaster fieldcraft, understand flight patterns, and use optics
Conservation PracticesPromote ethical birdwatching, support conservation efforts


Birdwatching is a great hobby regardless of age, social background, and resources. For those who have mastered this pastime, it is the gift that keeps giving year after year. The benefits are numerous and, according to studies and personal experiences, include improvements in mental health. It is only fair to try to give something back, and you can do it by practising ethical birdwatching by respecting the nature of the behaviour of these flying wonders.

Birdwatchers should minimise the environmental impact and maintain a safe distance to avoid unnecessary disruption and stress. If you check all these boxes, you will hit two birds with one stone, pun intended. You will enjoy the time in the great outdoors and wonder at birds’ beauty and unique behaviours while doing the right thing. You can even make new friends by joining a birdwatching community and spending more time in the great outdoors.

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Animal-Themed Birthday Party Ideas Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:27:17 +0000 Introduction Animal-themed birthday parties have become a roaring trend in recent years, captivating the imaginations of children and parents alike. The allure of these parties lies in their ability to transport young partygoers to a world of wonder and adventure,...

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Animal-themed birthday parties have become a roaring trend in recent years, captivating the imaginations of children and parents alike. The allure of these parties lies in their ability to transport young partygoers to a world of wonder and adventure, where the animal kingdom comes to life right before their eyes. From the depths of the ocean to the heart of the jungle, animal-themed parties offer a fantastic array of options to make your child’s special day truly memorable.

In this article, we’ll dive into the top 10 animal-themed birthday party ideas that are guaranteed to make a splash. Whether your child is a budding zoologist, a sea creature enthusiast, or a dinosaur devotee, there’s a perfect animal-themed party waiting to be explored. As we journey through these creative party themes, we’ll also sprinkle in fascinating statistics, share heartwarming anecdotes, and provide practical tips to help you plan an unforgettable celebration. So, let’s embark on this wild adventure together and discover how to throw the ultimate animal-themed birthday bash for your little one!

The Important Role of Party Decorations

Party decorations play a pivotal role in setting the tone and atmosphere of any celebration. They are the brushstrokes that paint the canvas of your child’s birthday party, transforming it into a magical world of imagination and wonder. Whether it’s the jungle foliage for a safari adventure, the underwater blues for an undersea extravaganza, or the farmyard accents for a barnyard fiesta, the right decorations are essential.

At PrettyDay, you’ll find a treasure trove of party decoration ideas and supplies to help you bring your chosen theme to life. From vibrant banners to lifelike animal cutouts, their collection offers everything you need to make your child’s birthday party truly memorable. As we explore each animal-themed party idea in this article, keep in mind how these decorations play a key role in creating an immersive experience for your little one and their friends. 

Top 9 Animal-Themed Birthday Party Ideas

Jungle Safari Adventure

A jungle safari-themed birthday party is a thrilling way to ignite your child’s sense of adventure. Here’s how to create a captivating jungle experience:

Creating the Jungle Safari Atmosphere

To transport your young explorers into the heart of the jungle, start by transforming your party space. Use lush greenery, tropical leaves, and hanging vines to mimic the dense jungle canopy. Set the mood with ambient jungle sounds and dim lighting for added mystique.

Decorations and Delectable Delights

– Decorate with life-sized animal cutouts like lions, tigers, and elephants to bring the jungle to life.

– Serve jungle-inspired foods like banana “monkey” muffins, snake-shaped sandwiches, and “jungle juice” fruit punch.

– Opt for earthy color schemes, such as greens and browns, to mimic the jungle’s natural palette.

Safari-Themed Activities

– Organize a thrilling “safari hunt” where little adventurers search for hidden treasures or animal figurines.

– Host an animal mask-making station where kids can craft their own masks, unleashing their inner jungle creatures.

By immersing children in this wild setting, you’ll create an unforgettable jungle safari adventure that sparks their imagination and sense of wonder.

Under the Sea Extravaganza

Dive into the depths of creativity with an underwater-themed birthday party that will leave your child and their friends in awe. Here’s how to host an enchanting undersea celebration:

Creating an Underwater Wonderland

Transform your party space into a mesmerizing underwater world. Utilize blue hues for the decor and incorporate shimmering materials to evoke the feel of the ocean. Hang streamers and balloons in shades of blue to create the illusion of water, and consider using netting to simulate fishing nets.

Decorations and Delectable Delights

– Decorate with sea creature cutouts, seashells, and mermaid-themed banners to set the undersea scene.

– Serve ocean-themed treats like seafood snacks, seaweed wraps, and “mermaid punch.”

– Encourage guests to dress as their favorite sea creatures or mermaids to add to the aquatic ambiance.

Underwater Activities

– Organize an exciting treasure hunt where little “pirates” can search for hidden treasures or sea-themed trinkets.

– Set up a fish-inspired craft station, where kids can create their own fish or mermaid-themed art.

With these undersea-inspired ideas, your child’s birthday party will transport them to a magical underwater world, filled with treasures and aquatic wonders.

Farmyard Fiesta

For an authentic farm experience, consider hosting a farmyard fiesta birthday party. Here’s how to cultivate a delightful rural celebration:

Bringing the Farm to Your Backyard

Transform your space into a charming farmyard with hay bales, wooden fences, and rustic touches. Encourage guests to wear overalls, straw hats, and gingham shirts for that genuine farm vibe.

Decorations and Down-Home Delights

– Decorate with farm animal cutouts, bunting, and checkered tablecloths to create a cozy barnyard atmosphere.

– Serve farm-fresh foods like corn on the cob, mini pies, and apple cider.

– Arrange a petting zoo with friendly farm animals or set up a planting station where kids can pot their own plants or flowers.

Farmyard Fun

– Organize games like a potato sack race or a “milking” contest to keep the little farmers entertained.

– Consider a barn dance or square dance for added farmyard flair.

With these farm-inspired elements, your child’s farmyard fiesta will be an unforgettable celebration of rural charm and down-home fun.

Woodland Wonderland

A woodland wonderland-themed birthday party is all about embracing the beauty of nature. Transform your space with earthy colors, rustic textures, and woodland creature decor. Encourage kids to come dressed as their favorite forest animals and set the tone with forest-inspired music.

For decorations, think forest creatures like owls and foxes, and use wooden accents to create a cozy ambiance. Serve treats like acorn-shaped cookies and pinecone snacks to enhance the woodland theme. Activities can include a nature scavenger hunt or crafting woodland-themed art.

With a woodland wonderland, your child’s birthday party will evoke the magic of the great outdoors, providing a serene yet enchanting celebration.

Bug-tastic Celebration

A bug-tastic birthday party is a unique and educational experience for young adventurers. Set the scene with bug-themed decorations, such as giant paper insects and vibrant insect posters. Encourage little entomologists to dress up as their favorite bugs and provide magnifying glasses for added fun.

Serve insect-inspired snacks like “ants on a log” and “butterfly” sandwiches. Create an immersive atmosphere with bug sound effects and educational bug facts. For activities, consider a bug hunt, where kids can discover and learn about various insects, or set up a bug identification station with real or toy bugs.

With a bug-tastic celebration, your child’s party will not only be entertaining but also educational, sparking their curiosity about the fascinating world of insects.

Ocean Adventure

An ocean adventure-themed party immerses kids in the deep blue sea. Decorate with oceanic hues, sea creature cutouts, and offer seafood snacks. Activities can include beach games and DIY sand art for a fun-filled oceanic celebration.

Zoo Day Celebration

For a zoo day celebration, decorate with animal-themed banners, serve zookeeper snacks, and organize animal-themed obstacle courses. Encourage kids to dress up as their favorite animals and consider a trip to a local zoo to make it a truly wild adventure.

Petting Zoo Party

A petting zoo party offers a hands-on experience with friendly animals. Decorate with rustic farm elements, serve farm-fresh foods, and arrange a real or mobile petting zoo. It’s a delightful way to introduce kids to farm animals and create lasting memories.


In the world of children’s birthdays, animal-themed parties stand out as timeless classics, sparking the imaginations of youngsters and leaving lasting memories for years to come. Each of the ten animal-themed party ideas we’ve explored in this article offers a unique and enchanting experience, tailored to your child’s interests and passions.

From the depths of the ocean to the heart of the jungle, from the charm of a woodland wonderland to the thrill of a bug hunt, these parties allow you to create immersive, educational, and unforgettable celebrations. The key lies in the details – decorations that set the scene, delicious treats that tantalize taste buds, and activities that engage and entertain.

So, go ahead, unleash your inner party planner, and make your child’s birthday celebration truly extraordinary!

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Shoebill Wed, 21 Dec 2022 20:20:42 +0000 There are over 10,000 different birds in the world, most of which fit into people’s traditional ideas about what a bird should look like. However, there are some real original birds that don’t follow these traditional norms; for instance their...

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There are over 10,000 different birds in the world, most of which fit into people’s traditional ideas about what a bird should look like. However, there are some real original birds that don’t follow these traditional norms; for instance their appearance could be more reminiscent of a fairy tale character or even an animal from a fantasy book.

The Shoebill is a waterbird that is unmistakable due to its unique “shoe-shaped” bill. This appearance may recall the origin of birds from dinosaurs. The species is found in nine African countries and has a large range, but is confined to small populations in a few wetland locations.

The Kitoglav was known to the ancient Egyptians and Arabs. But it wasn’t classified until the 19th century, when living specimens were brought to Europe. John Gould described the species in 1850, calling it Balaeniceps rex. The name ‘Balaenoptera’ comes from Latin words for “whale” and “head”, which are abbreviated to -ceps in compound words. The Arabs call this bird abu markub, meaning “shoe”.

The bird’s notable feature is its beak- which resembles a boot in color and markings. It’s huge, ending with a sharp curved hook that helps it eat. The mandibles have sharp edges that help them grasp prey. Their neck is shorter and thicker than other tall-legged water fowl such as cranes, herons, and spoonbills. They have big eyes that are either yellowish or greyish white in color. Their legs are long and black. They also have very long fingers that are completely separated without webbing

This species is limited to Africa and lives in the east-central side of the continent.

This species is most abundant in the Western Nile subregion and nearby parts of southern Sudan. Isolated cases of shoebill settlement have been reported in Kenya, northern Cameroon, southwestern Ethiopia and Malawi. Reports of strays have surfaced in the Okavango and upper Congo basins. This means that Shoebill is a bird that does not migrate often. It moves based on changes in its habitat, food availability, and human disturbance.

Kitoglavs generally prefers freshwater swamps, or vast, dense swamps with many wetlands. The shoebill stork needs a lot of floating plants in order to thrive in deep water areas. Besides an altered water chemistry, these fish are most often found near the surface of poorly oxygenated waters.

The bulk of carnivorous fish diet comes from wetland vertebrates. It is not known how they feed on invertebrates.

The shoebill’s huge beak and wide mouth means it can catch larger prey than other wading birds. In Bangweulu, its main food is African catfish and water snakes, which the parents feed to their chicks.

The main tactics used by shoebills are to stand and wait and wander slowly. When a prey item has been located, the bird’s head and neck quickly sway when inflating their pouch, sending the bird askew. Afterwards, the shoebill should regain balance by opening their wings.

Particles of vegetation fall into the beak, as well as some prey. Shoebills shake their heads from side to side in order to get rid of any green matter. The prey is usually decapitated before swallowing. A large beak can also be used to grab mud at the bottom of a pond to extract fish hiding in holes.

No matter how many times you see shoe heads in a group, this is not a sign of them being sociable. It’s only when food starts to run low that they will feed next to each other. Male and female of the same species usually forage on opposite sides of their territory. Contrary to popular belief, some birds have the ability to fly wherever they want and don’t just fly back and forth across one place.

Kitoglavs do not appear to be scared or threatened by people. Researchers have been able to get much closer than 2m from their nesting area and the birds did not seem hostile towards them, simply staring at them.

When shoeheads soar, they take advantage of thermals (a mass of rising air), and are also seen hovering over their territory during the day. In flight, the birds’s neck retracts with a cawing sound. They are usually silent while on the ground, but they often make noise with their beaks when at full length. Adults will welcome each other into their nests and chicks make sounds while they play with their beaks. Adults also make noises like a “moo”. Chicks will even make hiccup-like noises when they are hungry.

Shoebills rely on sight and hearing to hunt. In order to have a good view of the surroundings, shoebills hold their heads and beaks vertically downwards towards their chest. Kitoglav’s wings are held evenly to the ground while taking off and sometimes hinders takeoff. This is because it flies with its neck withdrawn in a penguin like form and its frequency is around 150 kicks per minute. These make it one of the slowest flying birds out of all, with exception of larger storks that have a slower flapping speed so they don. Bird’s flight consists of alternating cycles of flapping and sliding. They live nearly 36 years in the wild.

Kitoglavy birds have an average territory size of about 1km², and are very territorial during the breeding season. They’ll defend their nest from predators, competitors, or anyone else who may disrupt them.

The next seems to be located on a small island or on a mass of floating algae. The same type of material such as grass is woven onto the ground to form a building about 1 meter in diameter. One to three eggs are typically laid. However, only one chick lives to fly the coop by the end of their time in their egg. The incubation period is about 30 days.

Kitoglavs are monogamous birds and the pair of parents share all aspects of family life. They build a nest, incubate the eggs and raise their chicks cooperatively. One way they keep cool is to let a beak full of water run over their clutch. Additionally, they lay patches of blades of grass around the eggs and turn them over with their paws or beak.

Several predators prey on adult shoebills. These include large birds of prey like hawks, falcons, and kites. However, the most dangerous enemies are crocodiles which inhabit African swamps in large numbers. Chicks and eggs are vulnerable to predators, but this is rare because the chicks and their mothers protect each other fiercely, building nests in places where these predators have none of the easy access they need.

The most threatening enemies of the shoebill are people who catch and eat them. In addition, indigenous people can earn large sums of money by selling these birds to zoos. Threats to the survival of Kitoglav include: changes in the environment brought about by human hunters, local tribesmen hunting them for capture, and cultural taboos preventing their natural reproduction.

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Blue-footed booby Sat, 23 Oct 2021 15:56:00 +0000 Nature, like nothing else, is capable of striking the imagination with its creations. Amazing landscapes, fantastic plants and unusual animals are always able to

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Nature, like nothing else, is capable of striking the imagination with its creations. Amazing landscapes, fantastic plants and unusual animals are always able to arouse the interest of not only the scientist-researcher, but also just people who love natural beauty. One of these unique creatures is the blue-footed booby. Photos of these incredibly cute and trusting birds have already won the hearts of Internet users.

The first to study and describe the blue-footed booby was the well-known Charles Darwin. For this purpose, he specially visited the Galapagos Islands, the favorite habitat of these birds. By the way, to study their habits is not so difficult. The boobies are practically not afraid of people at all and let them in at a close distance.

Because of such trustfulness, which often ended very sadly for the bird, and because of the rather clumsy, as for all seabirds, gait in English it is called booby . The name comes from the Spanish bobo, “fool” or “clown. And indeed, in all the photos of feathery looks very funny and cute.

Appearance of the blue-footed booby
The first thing you notice when you look at the bird is, of course, the unusual blue paws with webbing. Their shade can vary from bright blue to gray-blue. It all depends on the age and health of the booby. And also – from the sex. Males have brighter paws, while females have more subdued tones.

The head and neck are covered with light brown and white feathers, the wings are dark brown, the tail is black, and the belly and lower part of the body are absolutely white. Such an interesting alternation of tones gives the bird a “prickly” look.

The sturgeon’s wings are long and pointed at the ends. The beak is large enough and has a greenish-gray tint. The eyes are yellow, directed forward, and males also have a pigmented spot around the pupils, which makes the eyes appear larger. By the way, the birds’ eyesight is excellent.

To catch prey, boobies have to dive often. For this reason, nature gave the bird closed nostrils. How do they breathe in this case? Oddly enough, with the corners of their mouth.

Birds communicate using hoarse cries and thin, whistling sounds. Research has shown that not only male and female voices differ, but that boobies can distinguish their pair from other birds by their voice.

Hunting and feeding
Unusual bird blue-footed boobyThe diet of the boobies consists exclusively of fish. It is thanks to fresh fish in the body produces a pigment – carotenoid, which improves immunity and is an excellent antioxidant. The same pigment gives bright colors to paws. If fresh fish is removed from the bird’s diet, the paws will fade in 48 hours.

The booby prefers to hunt small fish: sardine, mackerel, mackerel, and even flying fish. On occasion, they will not refuse to eat squid or the entrails of large fish.

Birds usually hunt in flocks, and only few birds hunt singly. They fly out to hunt in the evening or at dawn. They fly up into the air, keeping a close eye on their prey. Their beak is always directed downward. In search of fish, boobies can go far out to sea. As soon as the bird that leads the flock notices its prey in the water, it immediately signals to the others and all boobies dive into the water simultaneously.

These feathered hunters are incredible divers. They dive to a depth of up to 25 meters and can reach speeds of up to 100 km/hour. The height from which they fall, folding their long wings, can reach 30 meters. The boobies can easily swim a few meters underwater in pursuit of their prey. If they are lucky, they emerge not far from the diving point with a fish in their beak.

An interesting fact is that birds of this species prefer to catch fish not when diving but when surfacing. The reason for such cunning hunting is the coloration of fish, the back of which is usually dark and the belly is light, and it’s much easier to spot in the dark water depth. So much for the “fool…”

Sturgeons don’t neglect flying fish either. They don’t even have to dive for such food, and they catch them right in the air. The birds also feed on the surface of the sea. Moreover, if they hunted in a flock, they all eat together, but those who hunted alone eat alone.

Breeding and chicks
The only thing sea creatures like boobies need land for is breeding. Their nesting period is year-round. Every eight months, the female lays eggs.

Nests of this type of birds are usually trampled hollows in the ground. The birds enclose them with branches, and fearlessly defend them. Sometimes they may have a nesting place on rocks or trees. They have 2-3 such nests, and they are at a decent distance from each other.

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Axe Bird Tue, 05 Jan 2021 15:52:00 +0000 The hatchery bird is a bird that resembles a close relative of penguins, although they are not genetically related.

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The hatchery bird is a bird that resembles a close relative of penguins, although they are not genetically related. These birds can be found in eastern Canada, the northern United States, and western parts of Europe. Sixty percent of all hatchery birds live near Iceland. They spend most of their lives at sea, with brief interruptions (during the breeding season) on the coast. The world population of hatchets is quite large and consists of almost 6 million birds. They are not considered endangered. However, global warming, overfishing, oil spills, and hunting are reducing the number of hatchet birds in the wild. In addition, humans often hunt these birds for their eggs and meat, which cannot have a positive effect on increasing populations of these birds.

Interesting facts about hatchet birds:

The hatchet bird is a rather small bird. It weighs 17.5 ounces and can reach 10 inches in length. The males are slightly larger than the females.

The body of the hatchet bird is covered with mottled black and white plumage. In the past, hatchet bird feathers were used to decorate women’s hats.

Hatchet birds have very large and colorful beaks (a combination of red, yellow, and blue). Because of their beaks, they are also known as “sea parrots” or “sea clowns.

The color of the beak changes seasonally. It is pale during the winter and brighter in the spring when mating begins. Birds become more attractive to the opposite sex when their beaks are brightly colored.

The upper part of the beak has a layer of spines designed to hold fish. Because of this feature, parents can deliver more than one fish to their chicks in the nest.

The hatchery bird feeds almost exclusively on fish. It hunts sand eels and herring.

This feathered bird is an excellent swimmer. Its webbed legs and strong wings allow it to move quickly and accurately through the water. It can dive to a depth of 200 feet and stay submerged for up to one minute.

The hatchet bird also flies very fast. It can reach speeds of 55 miles per hour, flapping its wings 400 times per minute.

The axe-winged birds’ main predators are gulls and gulls that eat their eggs.

Axe-winged birds spend most of their lives at sea. They come ashore only once a year to breed.

The mating season is from April through August. During this period, large colonies of hatchet birds congregate in their homeland.

As a rule, these birds are monogamous, but there are some that form one pair for life. They build a nest in rocky cliffs or on hard soil between rocks. The nest is located three feet underground.

The female lays one egg. The incubation period lasts 42 days. Both parents care for the chick. The chick’s body is covered with thin and long down. Only after it has fledged completely will the chick leave its parent’s nest.

Young hatchets learn to fly 45 days after birth. They will go to the open sea and stay there until they are sexually mature, between 3 and 5 years of age.

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Red-tailed Turco Wed, 11 Nov 2020 15:47:00 +0000 Turacos are long-tailed birds that belong to the banana-eating family. Their average size is 40-70 cm. These birds have a feathery tuft on their heads.

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Turacos are long-tailed birds that belong to the banana-eating family. Their average size is 40-70 cm. These birds have a feathery tuft on their heads. It is like an indicator of mood, it stands up on end when a bird is in excitement. In the nature there are 22 species of turako. Their habitat is the savanna and forests of Africa.

These feathered forest dwellers are characterized by bright purple, blue, green and red plumage. Turacos come in a variety of colors. Let us acquaint you with the different species of turaco. The purple turaco is one of the larger species of banana eater. Its length reaches 0.5 m, and its wings and tail 22 cm.

The body of this beautiful bird is decorated with delicate, soft red plumage. The young have no such crest, it appears only with age. The rest of the feathers are of dark-purple tint, and the lower part of the body is dark green. The wings are blood-red, dark purple at the end.

No plumage around brown eyes. The legs are black. The habitat of the purple turaco is part of Lower Guinea and Upper Guinea. The Livingstone’s turaco is a medium-sized bird. The elite of African society adorns their headdresses with the feathers of this species of turaco.

Their coloration is influenced by pigments (turacin and turaverdin). Water turns red on contact with turacin, and green after turaverdin. This wonder-bird looks especially smart after the rain. At that time, it sparkles like an emerald. It is found in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa, partly in Mozambique.

Red-crested turaco like the Livingstone turaco has red and green plumage. A distinctive feature of this species is the red crest. Its length is 5 cm. The crest becomes puffy when the bird experiences anxiety, danger and excitement. These birds occupy the territory from Angola to Congo.

Representatives of the Guinean turaco come in different races. The northern races are distinguished by their single-colored, rounded crests of green. The rest of the Guinean turaco has a pointed tuft of 2 colors.

The upper part of the crest is white or blue and the lower part is green. These birds have a rare pigment, turaverdine. It contains copper. Therefore, their plumage has a metallic luster of green. The adult size is 42 cm. Birds live from Senegal to Zaire and Tanzania.

Turaco hartlauba or Blue-tailed Turaco is a medium sized bird. Body length 40-45 cm and weighs 200-300 g. In the coloration present red and green. Red predominantly on the fly feathers. Some pigments present in the plumage of bluefinches are washed away by water. For their habitat, they choose wooded highlands at an altitude of 1500-3200 m, urban gardens of East Africa.

Character and lifestyle of the turaco bird
All turaco birds lead a sedentary lifestyle in tall trees. They are rather secretive birds. Flocks consist of 12 to 15 individuals, but they do not fly over all at once, but one after another, like scouts. They perform their flights from tree to tree silently. Having found a bush with berries, these timid birds do not stay long, but simply visit it often.

Blue-spotted turaco try to return as quickly as possible to a large tree, where they feel safe. It is when they are safe that their cries echo throughout the neighborhood. When they are all together, these “wonderful birds” flap their wings and chase each other with a shriek.

They live in a variety of landscapes. Their habitats can include mountains, plains, savannahs, and tropical forests in equal measure. The area inhabited by families of turaco varies from 4 hectares to 2 km2 , depending on the size of the birds. Very rarely these birds come down to the ground, only in case of emergency.

They can be seen on the ground only during dust baths or watering. The rest of the time they spend hiding in the branches of trees. These birds are good at flying and crawling through trees. Turaco, like parrots, can easily survive in captivity. They are very unpretentious about food and have a lively disposition.

Food of a turako
Turaco belong to the family of banana eaters, although these birds do not eat bananas. They eat young shoots and leaves of tropical plants, exotic berries and fruits. An interesting fact is that several species of turaco eat some poisonous fruits that neither animals nor other birds eat.

They pluck the fruits of berries from trees and bushes, stuffing their stomachs with them. Exceptionally, turako may feed on insects, seeds, and even small reptiles. To eat large fruits, the bird uses its sharp, serrated beak. It is thanks to its sharp beak that it tears the rafts from the fruit stalks and cuts their shells to further divide them into smaller pieces.

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